We have learned that our thoughts become our reality and by using words like "I Can't" or "I'll Never"we are creating a reality in which we can not achieve what we want. Instead of saying I will try to work out today, say I will work out today. Success is key, and in order to succeed we must first believe, and if we do not believe we recite theses affirmations everyday until it becomes us.
What many of us who are trying to lose weight fail to see is that we have to first before anything else get in the right state of mind. If we are not in the right state of mind we cannot commit, we cannot create habits that stick, and we are easily susceptible to giving up.
Here are a few examples of common phrases you may say that are hindering your ability to lose weight.
"I Can't Do this"
"I'll never lose weight"
"Loosing Weight is too hard"
"I don't have time to workout"
"Eating healthy is too much work"
"I hate my body and wish it looked different"
These negative thoughts create negative emotions connected to your idea about weight loss and exercise. When you look at exercise as something that is helping you become healthier and live longer instead of looking at it as a chore that you dread doing, you begin to enjoy doing it. As working out becomes easier you do it more and more and the negative energy surrounding your weight loss will diminish and disappear.
Here are some examples of what I mean.
“You can do this” not “You will try to do this”
“I will lose weight” not “I want to lose weight”
“I love my body” not “I am fat”
“I am working towards my goals” not “I am not where I want to be”
“The time for change is now” not “nothing has ever worked for me”
“I love the way healthy food makes me feel” not “eating healthy is too much work”
“I am choosing Progress over perfection” not “my thighs are too big, and my breasts are saggy”
Even if you do not believe these things at first, you soon will if you continue to recite them to yourself everyday. If you see yourself getting down on yourself ask yourself what you would say to a friend. You would never tell a friend they are fat and no matter what they do they will always remain fat and never change. Then why do you tell it to yourself. Learn to be kind to yourself and love yourself as you would a friend.
Every day when I wake up I look in the mirror and give myself the positive reinforcement I need. We cannot always rely on others to do this for us and some times we must take control. I'd like for you to start your morning with. these inspirational quotes and affirmations as the first step in your weight loss journey.
*All content displayed on this site is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease, or as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult with your advising physician before starting any treatment for a medical condition. Please take extra caution if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication. Stay Sprouted shall not be held liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained on this site or for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any treatment, action, or application of any food or food source discussed in this site. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration and readers are encouraged to do their own research and make all health decisions consciously.
*In order to support the stay sprouted blog so that we are able to continue providing you with the best information in regards to health and wellness we may receive monetary compensation for links to products. These are products that were tried and tested personally and are believed by us to provide you with the necessary tools to live a long healthy life.
Stay Sprouted & Stay Grounded