Most people know the purpose of our digestive system……
If you don’t let me explain.
Our digestive system takes food that we eat and breaks it down into nutrients that are absorbed into our bloodstream to provide our body with the instructions and fuel it needs to operate.
The digestive system also filters out toxins or irritants and prevents them from being absorbed into our bloodstream.
And everyday the lining of our gut experiences microtears due to inflammation and poor diet.

Foods like gluten cause increased gut permeability in everyone!
Yes, everyone!!!!! even you, the person who eats bread, pasta, and cookies with no adverse side effects.
There have been multiple studies that prove this to be true!
You see, gluten is hard to digest.
In fact we don’t fully digest it at all, and therefore it has no nutritional value.
I know, I know We’ve been eating bread forever. What's the problem now?!?
Well, that’s a loaded question with several answers.
Our food is no longer the same food.
It’s been modified and changed!
It’s been sprayed with chemicals and pesticides like glyphosate.
Our wheat has been modified to contain more gluten than it did in the past and is not harvested in the same way that it once was.
This has left us with a major problem.
Gluten can be highly irritating to both the gut and the immune system.
In some people it can even cause systemic inflammation.
It's no wonder why so many of us are suffering from gluten sensitivity.
But that's not the only food we are sensitive to, now is it?
So what causes these food sensitivities?

The BIGGEST culprit is LEAKY GUT.
Your gut lining is meant to be permeable to some extent.
How are nutrients supposed to pass through it if not?
However, Increased gut permeability is a huge issue!
The epithelial lining of our intestines is only 1 cell thick and when you tear it to the point which it can no longer repair itself, you allow things to pass through that shouldn’t
Normally, food is fully digested and broken down into tiny molecules which are meant to be absorbed.
The body recognizes these molecules and knows what to do with them.
These nutrients are carried into the bloodstream and then to the liver, which stores, processes, and delivers these nutrients to the rest of your body.
However, with leaky gut, undigested foods; known as macromolecules, are able to pass through and into our bloodstream.
So how do you think your body reacts when this happens?
Well, the immune system is activated and starts producing antibodies to the macromolecules.
Normally, these are foods you are eating everyday and this will be different in everyone.
This is why I recommend that everyone does an IGG Food map to assess which foods are creating this immune response.
Leaky gut leads to an Immune response which leads to inflammation which leads to chronic health issues.
Healing your gut is key and removing foods that are causing inflammation is necessary for this healing to occur.
Your gut lining is in a constant state of repair.
In fact you get a completely new gut lining every 4 to 7 days.
However, it takes energy for your body to repair that lining and sometimes those tears turn into leaky gut.
Of course your body is the greatest self healing machine there ever was and you can heal leaky gut.
However, you must remove the offending foods, and environmental factors.
You see toxins play a huge role in this as well, among many others factors.
So what are the 4 steps you should take if you believe you have a leaky gut?
- Book a consultation and assessment with me to determine if a leaky gut is something you are dealing with.
- Complete the IGG Food Map test with The Great Plains Laboratory that I provide.
- Begin an elimination diet and eat according to the results.
- Start on a gut healing protocol
Your insurance provider may cover the cost of this test or provide a partial payment.
Call your insurance provider today and ask if the IGG food map is covered.
They will need the following CPT Codes
8667 1*2